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The perfect pair of jeans for all occasions

By Natalia Chkliar, Stylist/Manager at Très Chic Styling.

So…you decided that you need a great pair of jeans! The first question that everyone has on their mind is what fits them, and how to know what’s right from wrong.

Jeans are one of the most crucial pieces of our wardrobe. That’s a fact!

The right pair of jeans will make you look put together, stylish, and will make you look leaner or even give you an amazing bottom.

Your jeans must fit you like a glove and they must be classic.

Let me explain: You should have no problem wearing the same pair of jeans with a striped sailor tee or a tailored black classy blazer. Your jeans must look great with heels or flats, on weekends or for a casual Friday at the office.

The most important part of your investment, after having paid quite a significant amount of money for your suit or your designer pants (which is obviously a staple piece in your wardrobe) is going to be the alteration made to it.

Don’t buy the “BRAND” of your jeans, buy the cut and the quality. This is one of the only moments when you must put aside the LOGO behind the famous designer.


So here you are, ready to buy your perfect pair of jeans that will serve you a long time and will engage many compliments.

So here are a few of my rules:

  1. Always look for the classic dark jean color. If possible, try the denim with no particular procedure and no stone washes.
  2. Make sure there are no embellishments on the jeans, no rhinestones, no drawings, no logos. These details are critical to the versatility of your purchase.
  3. Look for the pockets; they must fit your derriere perfectly. Most importantly: they can’t be too low; if so, your butt will look saggy. They can’t be placed to high either; this gives an illusion of a tiny butt. They should not be too close from the middle seam of the jeans joined together; this gives an impression of a wide butt. The image you are going for is the one when you look into the mirror and you see the effect of a “fuller, rounder and symmetrical derriere”.
  4. Here is the biggest revelation of them all: the only way to find that perfect pair is to try at least 30 pairs.
  5. You may need pockets if you have a tinnier butt and you wish to have a fuller looking derriere. But remember, try to avoid designs that are too loud or too fancy on your pockets. You want people to think you have a nice butt, but you don’t want them to stare in order to figure out what’s on the pockets.
  6. If you are too curvy, don’t follow the trend if skinny jeans are in. If that is the case, you shouldn’t be wearing legging looking jeans.
  7. Follow your inner stylist instinct. Buy the boot cut jeans if they fit you, or if it is the case, get tapered jeans that flatter your figure. Please avoid the flared jeans! The 70’s look is a trend not a classic. This is not a Beatles album, it’s your appearance that we are talking about. Imagine that time when you saw this woman walking by and she had a perfect dark pair of jeans with a nice cardigan, a gorgeous purse and she looked put together, successful and neat. Well, this is the pair you are looking for; the one that makes you look perfect, no matter what you wear on top (white crisp shirt, sequence embellished strapless top, a simple black turtle neck etc.)
  8. When you try your jeans, it is important to sit down with them, or bend over, pretending you are picking up something. Why? Because you don’t want your underwear showing. If you have a big derriere or a small waist, please wear a belt. Always!
  9. Have your favorite pair of jeans cut to the proper length. No one loves holes at the bottom of their jeans. This is just not an option. Don’t forget to bring the shoes that you most plan to wear your jeans with at the tailor.
  10. Don’t buy jeans online, unless you already tried them on and you know what you want. Do shop around and buy two pairs of the same jeans, color and style. Don’t buy the size; your body doesn’t care if you are a size 12 or a 0.
  11. Know your BODY. Make a list of stores and go shopping with a smile!



Natalia Chkliar : Stylist/Manager at Très Chic Styling.

With my eccentric and bold style my goal is to let every woman express herself through fashion.

The passion behind my devotion for fashion came at an early age, today I choose to follow this path and make a career out of what I truly love.

My mission is to create a unique wardrobe with functional basics and glamorous pieces that will last through fashion trends time after time.

Teach every woman to find herself and to exude what they truly are through this wearable form of art that we call fashion.